Category Archives: Replacing Existing Locks

Skills Needed to Become a Locksmith

The Skills Needed to Become a Locksmith To become a successful locksmith, it is recommended that you register with the British Locksmiths Institute, (BLI), which is going to require you to have 2 references and a full disclosure through the DBS. (Disclosure and Barring Service) Before either going through checks or applying for training, through…
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LANDLORDS BEWARE! Sometime ago on a routine repair job the tenants of the property told me a story of when they came downstairs in the morning to find a complete stranger drunk and fast asleep on the sofa in their front room. As alarmed as they were initially it turned out that the sleeping man…
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Keeping Your House Safe

Keeping Your House Safe Let’s be clear from the off - It's almost impossible to keep your home, house or property completely safe from harm.  But by using the best technology available we can help ensure the safety of yourself and your family. When we refer to keeping our family safe we tend to think…
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