Category Archives: Home Safe

The Duties of an Emergency Locksmith

The Duties of an Emergency Locksmith In today's fast-paced world, security is paramount. Whether it's safeguarding our homes, businesses, or vehicles, the need for reliable locksmith services is ever-present. Among these services, emergency locksmiths play a critical role. Available 24/7, they offer immediate assistance in urgent situations, ensuring safety and peace of mind. But what…
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Security – Holiday Security

The holiday security scenario. We’ve pretty much all done it, ran around the house last minute, have you packed your passport? Have you got your swimwear? Have I remembered to cancel the newspapers? Let’s go…only to find ten minutes down the road that niggling feeling…have I locked the door? Are all the lights off? Who…
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Smartphones Smartphones are clearly our future. Its time to embrace the fact that it will soon become the key to your security too. Spooky but true!! In current times we are using Smartphones applications in commercial, institutional and residential settings include identification badge, credit card and/or a key.  On the back of this commercial lock…
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Moving Home? Why Change The Locks?

Why Change The Locks When Moving Home?   When moving home your stress levels can be way up there, there are so many things to to consider and to sort out.  However, one major point that should not be overlooked is the current locks on the front door of your new residence.  As a new…
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